That is the Coldplay song we listened to last night on the way to the hospital! One of the girls in my room, Jo complained of a sore stomach all day and her belly button was bleeding so after the ice-cold shivers going down my spine we went downstairs at 11pm and drove her to the hospital to find out it was an abcess and it's good that it was draining and she needs to take medication for it. Phew.
Rachel (in my room) described STP as "summer camp on steroids" and I can safetly say that I agree very much. It has been absolute insanity and as I described it in our discipleship group today (where Jess, our team leader meets up with myself, Greta, Brittnee and Steph (room leaders) for updates and accountability) as being overwhelming - it probably didn't help that I was sleep deprived after the hospital episode. Since everyone arrived it has been crazy busy but awesome. The girls are all working full time at Walmart (its great so many people can start to work so quickly) and then back for meals and then talks. It has been alot of fun getting to know them, all four of them are introverts but they are so sweet (English language version of the word, not just American "sweeet") and I am getting excited about getting to know them more. We had our own discipleship group as a room last night and basically just shared our stories and how we came to know Christ as Saviour, the only way to God and not the good things we try to do, and it was amazing to hear the different stories, the hard things different people had gone through but then see such love poured out for us. In one of the talks we were reminded that God is a giving God and is most glorified when we receive from him, like an overflowing fountain - we can give nothing to him, to try to is an insult, we can just receive, and rest in that.
I am relying very heavily on myself though and feel stressed out about everything at times. I am to "get in the word" (study the bible, we are going through colossians) with each girls once a week and it just seems so hard to find a time with each of them, as well as have time set apart to get to know them... it's very intentional, but then again, we are only halfway through the week and just getting to terms with stuff, but I feel guilty because I feel I should be DOING DOING DOING and if I am not with them all the time, investing, then I am failing. But it's not about that. It's friendship, living life with them and showing them Christ.. and last year I admired my room leader for just LEAVING and taking time off so it is fine that I am doing that now. I am to stop trying and just receive, and know I am loved and accepted and free to give, it's not about me doing it all. I am sure this is a learning curve, it's just.. sore.
Job-wise, the pizza place guy just wanted to pay in cash (not with a work VISA) so I said I didn't want to do that, and then a woman at the pier filled in our form for us! So we drove 45mins inland to get them approved but the place closed just before we got there so we will try again tomorrow. Hoping to get the job, thankfully the staff at STP need baby sitters so I did that on Tuesday and will do it tomorrow... 4 girls for 6 children under 3 and two babies - it was absolutely exhausting, but fun.
So its hard, but good... I am learning to be a bit more dependent.. I just want to get to the point when I actually register I don't have to DO, I can just BE and that that is such a good place to be in. Just resting. =). Pray for wisdom in how I use my time and in follow up with each of the girls, I really am starting to love each of them!
So goodbye for now from a comfy sofa in Barnes and Nobles bookshop,
Bless you in the midst of your busyness with times of receiving and resting and comfy sofas and bookshops...and occasional times to blog :)